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Problems - identify and manage them
identify and manage them

Issue Tracking - Identification and handling of project obstacles

In Issue Tracking, problematic signals from the project environment that may jeopardize the success of the project or aspects thereof are systematically recorded, delegated to team members for further processing, evaluated and processed. Issues can give rise to risks but also opportunities for a project. The processing of issues often leads to change requests.

Detailed issue tracking - document relevant information

Document a new problem by capturing all relevant information in detail, linking affected work packages, linking to related problems, and assigning a person to handle it. In the course of the description it is also possible to qualify which target criteria (e.g. time, budget, etc.) the problem affects. If you wish, you can assign a priority to the problem. The person responsible for the problem receives an e-mail with all relevant information.

Track Problems - Track Progress by Processing Problems

Issue tracking can be used to track upcoming problems that may jeopardize the success of the project or aspects thereof. The default view of issue Tracking shows all problems. Other views show all open issues (Open), issues assigned to a user (My issues), and issues grouped by work packages.

The Issue Tracking Status Tracker is used to provide a quick overview of the progress of issues over time.

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