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Standortmanagement mit Quam
Facility Management
Structuring of locations

Facility Management

Structure locations, visualize building plans, offices or IT infrastructure. Capture everything you want and belong to your organization. Link your resources with the processes and clarify their responsibilities. Using the various evaluations in the Quam, you can, for example, check access authorisations for plausibility, organise maintenance plans and much more.

Manage locations

Access to organizational information is not accessible to all employees via the process world or the hierarchies in the company. However, every employee knows where his or her workplace is located. Make it easier for employees to access the work instructions, function descriptions or sets of rules that are important to them by linking them to the work locations.

Building Management

Quam makes it possible to organise building management centrally. You record all buildings and rooms in the Quam. You can display the company's building plans from the site to the buildings and levels to detailed room and inventory plans.
You plan room capacities centrally and efficiently. Link the objects with the processes and Quam answers the questions at the push of a button: Which processes take place in which buildings and who therefore needs access rights?

Access Authorisations

Many companies work in different buildings at different locations. In the Quam you visualize them and link the work locations with the recorded processes. By means of the employees' involvement stored in the processes, you are able to plausibilise access authorisations to buildings, plants, laboratories or clean rooms, for example.

More features of Quam can be found on our product page.