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"Thanks to Quam's project management module, we can manage our projects much more efficiently and transparently plan and control. The recording and evaluation of project and travel times on The basis of our ticket system enables us to more accurately identify future projects and synchronization with other systems saves a lot of effort."
Patrik Sigrist (Project Leader | DILAX Intelcom AG | Switzerland)

A solution for SMEs as well

The DILAX Group has been developing people counting systems for a wide range of applications for over 20 years.

Its core products include comprehensive system solutions for fully automated passenger counting and trip analysis in buses and trains. Many thousands of vehicles of different types are equipped with DILAX systems in well over 200 transport companies in Europe and North America. The company headquarters are located in Berlin.

Further subsidiaries are located in Switzerland, France, Great Britain, Italy, Canada and Spain. The current total number of employees is 60, 15 of whom work for DILAX Intelcom AG in Switzerland.

The objective: Optimization of the project business

DILAX Intelcom AG is predominantly active in the project business. These are primarily very extensive projects with a duration of several years and large budgets. In addition to installation projects, there are also maintenance projects in which ongoing counting systems are supported.

For the project implementation, DILAX Intelcom AG used a  project management system based on various applications. The company was therefore looking for a holistic approach that would support both employee collaboration and the integration of different systems, and that would enable the optimization of the project business.

After DILAX Intelcom AG had implemented Quam, a business process management system by aiio, in 2010 and thus already had a SharePoint environment, it decided to convert the entire existing project management system to SharePoint technology as well.

The implementation: fast and individual with Quam

Quam offers the appropriate platform to simplify project work in teams, including small and medium-sized companies. On this basis, Quam was implemented in just three months. The 15 employees of DILAX Intelcom AG use Quam to plan, control, and document their projects together, and company-specific adjustments were made to Quam. Links to existing applications, such as COBRA (CRM system), were created for the use of external data in the projects. The regular synchronization of customer, vehicle, order, software and product data with the external systems saves working time and avoids redundancies. A ticket system has been implemented that allows detailed planning of work packages and links them to external data. Project and travel times are also recorded in the tickets, which are available to the project managers as an evaluation in the form of target/actual comparisons.

The benefits: Targeted project management with little effort

The web-based Quam replaced the decentralized management of individual projects across different systems. The main advantages of the implementation are to be seen in the facilitation of project control and the optimization of processes.

Quam not only supports project work in a team, but also increases the personal productivity of each individual employee. Various automatically generated reports on employee workload, resource evaluation and project status provide a daily updated overview of all projects and enable targeted project control with little effort. External partners can also be directly connected to the individual project.
